12 Ways To Make Your Blog More Persuasive

12 Things To Make Your Blog More Persuasive - online blogging and business world is becoming more persuasive, focused on attracting and retaining interest.

Businesses are custom-designing websites for handhelds and integrating social-media friendly communication on their sites to persuade their customers. The online blogging and business world is becoming more persuasive, more focused on attracting and retaining interest. This includes everything that makes a website – its content, Ads, layouts, navigation, approach, attitude and so on. Here’s how to make your blog website more persuasive. There are 12 things to make your blog more persuasive

1. Improve Your Site’s User Experience

Enrich your user´s navigation experience through a more intuitive, more comfortable interface. Use a bunch of user-friendly widgets, code, social media inserts and other functionalities to enhance the reader’s experience on your site. Ensure that your site is easy-to-use and loads quickly as well. Make sure your content is easy to read and that your templates are unique, attractive and issue-free.

2. Be Unique

Make sure that your blog stands out among the others in your niche. You can do this by adopting your own unique colors, having a distinctive logo, adopting unique offers and so on. Anticipate what your readers want and keep it ready in advance. Basically, you have to make the readers aware of what he or she stands to lose by not consuming your content.

3. Create Unique Custom Landing Pages

Use micro-segmentation techniques to define individual landing page experiences for different targets. Do A/B testing to ensure that your customers get to see what they want, depending on where they came from. They can visit your website through a specific Ad, or a link on social media, or through search engine results.

4. Reinforce Site Appeal Using Social Media

Social networks rule the internet today; they’ve become the main hub of interaction, information and dissemination for people. Add social media content to your site to increase site appeal. Use clever plugins and widgets for people to share your content on social media, to comment or tweet directly from your site and so on.

5. Install Your Brand On Social Media

Make your brand highly visible on all social media platforms. Your brand should comprise of a unique logo, your unique voice, your mission statement or byline, your name, your unique colors and so on. Sow the seeds for ecommerce by installing your brand on social media.

6. Brand Yourself As An Authority

Become a subject matter expert, and position yourself a subject matter expert on your blog and on social media networks. People tend to pay more attention to those who are authorities in their niches. They approach such people with greater confidence, knowing that they will find solutions to their niche-related issues. So, focus on core subjects where you can develop and build your authority brand.

7. Display Social Proof

Display statistics on your blog on your readership, products sold, subscription numbers, number of followers on various social media platforms and so on. These statistics can be pooled via analytics tools, and displayed to your advantage on the top of your home page, landing pages and important inner pages. All these social proofs of popularity go to increase reader confidence in you and enhance your persuasion.

8. Generate Emotional Appeal

Generate emotional appeal by telling a story related to the topic you are writing. Such content is definitely more persuasive than drab factual content, even if you load it up with all kinds of research. Throw in some names, talk about those people, detail their experiences and create general interest. Create feelings in your audience and move them to your point of view. That’s persuasive.

9. Appeal To Your Audience’s Logic And Rationality

Everyone has beliefs and values; these form the foundations on which people’s emotions flow. Everyone also has certain amount of logical and rational thought process. Use your audience’s beliefs and values to build your argument. Provide your point of view in a fair, just and informed manner and appeal to their sense of logic and rationality. So there it is – reason to prove your point, emotion to make them take action and use values and beliefs to get them to care.

10. Talk Directly To Your Audience

When you write for your audience, you must adopt a 1:1, face-to-face conversation mode. Use the first person voice, and engage the audience with what you’re saying. Writing in first person is important, as each reader will perceive you’re directly talking to him or her.

11. Be Scrupulously Honest

Does one of your products show a flaw? Be honest about it. Avoid mind tricks and don’t ever lie to your audience. Earn their trust through scrupulous honesty and meticulous fair behavior. Make this honesty apparent through your tone of voice, your research, through unique and original content and so on.

12. Write Persuasively

Make your point in the opening sentence and expand on it along with supporting evidence. Include your research, quote authorities, and cite references and so on. Use anecdotes from your experience and from your industry. Make your content entertaining. Provide evidence to the contrary as well, when you engage with other points of view.

About the Author

Dean is freelance writer working for a web page optimization company that offers specialized landing page designing and funnel optimization services to online businesses of all sizes.

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  1. These are such great tips! Even great tips for new bloggers or ones that have been blogging for more than a year! It’s sometimes hard to have a really engaging audience and using these tips will help with that!

  2. Thanks for the tips! My favorite tip is #11. Readers can sense if you’re being honest or just fabricating or worse, copying content. Being honest, writing from the heart, will help you gain the trust of your readers.

  3. I agree with branding yourself and then giving quality content. I often use generating emotional appeal and talking directly to my audience. It has worked for me!

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