Formula To Writing Social Media Posts

“Average is a failing formula.” – Grant Cardone

If there is something that will remain a constant in this ever-changing world, it is the fact that there is no perfect formula for writing social media posts.

While nothing is perfect, there is, however, room for exemplary writing on social media posts.

As they say, social media engagement is the new social media marketing. If done right, it would mean more leads, more brand awareness, and more conversion opportunities.

Here we will tackle the exemplary formula for writing social media posts that will not only hold people’s attention (both old and new audiences) but will also make them engage in your social media posts on whatever social media platform.

Cultural Sensitivity

Before you post anything on any social media applications, make sure that your post is culturally sensitive. Be sensitive to every race on earth that will have a chance to read your post.

Keep in mind the mission statement, the goals, and the visions of the brand that you will be promoting. Know who the brand is and who it is not.

Product Understanding

The fastest fingers will not work to your advantage in social media posts. First, you must take the time to study your product and your target audience. Use surveys when applicable.

Every social media post is a conversion, so you need to know who you are conversing with. Are you conversing with mothers, employers, gym enthusiasts, athletes, or students?

Decide firsthand what will be the tone of your brand. Is it casual, formal, serious, or professional? Decide what is the purpose of your post. Is it to educate people about your brand? Is it to inform the people of the usefulness of the brand? Is it to entertain people using your band? Whatever purpose your post may have, always use positive language. The world is already a dark place nowadays. Let us not add more darkness.

Competitor Research

Check your competition to gauge how you will converse with your own brand audience. A little competition won’t hurt anyone. Take into consideration that the first few seconds upon encountering your post will be the tipping point if it is ignored or gets a heart emoji.

There is a thin line between writing too much and writing too little per post. You are walking on a tight rope here. If the post is too long, the tendency is that people just skip it and go to the next post.

If the post is too short, the tendency is that people will feel that it lacks something and will ignore it. Zero engagement. One must keep a balance of the words to incorporate per post. As tempting as it may be, do not include so many hashtags in your post that it turns off people.

Organic Content and Scheduling

What works on Facebook may not work on other social media platforms. You have to custom-fit your post to the social media application that you will use. But what seems to be a constant is that both organic (meaning not paid) and paid posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, using a hundred words or less, including hashtags keep the audience’s attention longer.

By using fewer words, your post will be getting more engagement. For example, if you post early in the morning, note that most people are rushing to get to work. An even shorter post should be considered.

Your social media post caption should be meaty but never too pushy. You can write a caption as straightforwardly as possible. Tell your target audience exactly what they will read in your post. You can also write a caption that your post will answer below. Don’t clickbait. Don’t use captions that will sound as if you’re threatening your target audience. Be sure that your post will really answer the question you have asked in your caption. You can also write a caption that summarizes your post. Yes, the good-old summarization because it actually works! Use active voice instead of passive voice.

Diverse Content with Personal Touch

For Facebook, videos get shared more often. But that is not absolute. You should still mix and vary your post. Use memes, pictures, texts, and links to a blog post. Use 40-80 words per post.

Use questions to make your target audiences feel that you genuinely care about their opinions. Use a personal touch in your posts and not just the brand that you are promoting. Use visual effects if you are posting pure texts.

For Twitter, important details should be the headline. Twitter has a restriction on the word count, so it is better to put important details right from the start. Maximize the space that you are given on Twitter. Don’t overdo your hashtags, please. Three is a safe number of hashtags to use. You can check It is a search engine that helps you find relevant hashtags that people are using.

For Instagram, use beautiful photos. After all, Instagram is a visual social media application. Use relevant emojis and hashtags in your caption. Remember that less is more.

For Pinterest, use captivating photos. Pinterest is also a visual social media application. Pinners will look at the picture posted first before reading the texts incorporated in the post. Use a vertical post. Use a detailed description that includes applicable links. Use a professional tone in your post. Be mindful of your grammar. There are websites available online that offer free grammar checks. Grammarly is a good tool to start with.  

Empathy and Authenticity

Whatever social media application that you use, don’t forget to empathize with your target audience.

Be sincere when you reach out to them. Audiences today are very perceptive. They will know real empathy from fake empathy. Your post will reflect on the brand. Be sure to protect the brand by being authentic. We must be careful because of the cancel culture.

As scary as it may sound, cancel culture exists. But that’s another story. We hope that you enjoyed reading this article. Here’s to getting more likes, hearts, comments, shares, and link clicks!

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